***** Com-List for Builders

Many builders install "quasi-global" exits or actions in their areas: In other
words, they set up "globals" that are usable throughout their particular
environment(s) by installing the actions in their parent room(s).  It is also a
common practice to stick a "hints" or "?" command in such an area so that a
player may be aware of the various special commands, shortcuts or other actions
available there.

However, the "commands" global makes it much easier for you to make these
commands available to users.  It's essentially a supplement to the "globals"
command.  If you type "commands", the com-list program will produce a list,
starting with your present room and working up the environment "tree", of all
actions that are marked "_global?:yes".  It will also display information
stored in "_global/info" on the action.

Sample uses of this would be, in adventure area, commands such as "dig" or
"open" and "close" set up for the adventure.  An example setup would be:

In the environment room for a treasure hunt adventure game, set an action
called "Dig;excavate" in the room, linked to dig.muf.

@set dig=_global?:yes
@set dig=_global/info:format "dig {where} with {what}"

So, when someone types "commands", they will see, along with any other
"globals" found,

Commands         Description
Dig              format "dig {where} with {what}"

Note that the commands list will only display the first "alias" in the exit

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Page created by Telzey, and maintained by Tugrik d'Itichi.
Comments/Questions/Flames to: FMPages@furry.com