A listing of the common globals actions available on FurryMUCK SM. These globals actions are ones available through all areas of FurryMUCK SM. Some areas have other global actions that are not on this list. In deed, some areas will literally have hundreds of global actions that are not on this list. The are used as part of the role playing in those areas.
Complete Globals Listing Global Description Help Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . set up a private talk session to another player . #help 3who as "WHO", but formatted in 3 columns look 3who @Archive to make archives of constructed areas @archive =help @Backlink make an exit back to current location look @backlink @Bootme boots off duplicate character connections look @bootme @Breaklink remove unwanted links to your character/property @breaklink #help @Bulletin show messages of general importance (none) @Image Shows where to find a .gif of character on 'net. @image #help @Mpi test MPI strings look @mpi @Quota shows your building quotas and totals (none) @Recycle! recycle an item or room remotely by dbref # (none) @Relink unlinks, attempts to relink action/room look @relink @Size "@size {item}" calculates memory taken up (none) @Sizeall calculates your entire memory usage (none) @Unparent set parent of room to default (#0) look @unparent Antivirus for detecting "viruses" antivirus #help AutoSweep send your character home when disconnected as Banish to keep out pesky players banish #help Change make small changes to messages/properties change Commands shows locally-available "globals" commands #help Contents show contents of a room look contents Doing set "doing" prop / see what others are doing do #help Eat eat or drink "food" or beverages eat #help Edit edit messages/properties (needs TinyFugue) edit Editaction utility to aid in editing actions editaction #help Editroom utility to aid in editing rooms editroom #help Exits show the exits from a room exits #help Globals lists actions available MUCK-wide globals #help Goband global exit shortcut to Under the Bandstand (none) Gohome global exit shortcut to your home (none) Hand hand an object to someone hand #help Helpstaff shows helpstaff members online staff #help Hug hug something or someone hug List displays a list of properties look list Lookat look at objects people are carrying lookat #help Lsedit edit a list of properties look lsedit Map shows a map of area and your position map #help Meet Summon furry to meet you, or go to join them (none) Morph (Poly)morph into different forms morph #help Mpi-macros Lists the docs for globally-installed MPI macros mpi-macros Muckers shows programmers online (none) Mumble garbled "whisper" for roleplaying look mumble Navigate shows path to destination in certain areas nav #help Nexus global exit shortcut to Underground Nexus (none) Page send messages to players wherever they are page #help Pet allows creation of a "pet" to follow you pet #help Pinfo IC/OOC player/character information pinfo #help Pose action message look pose Programs lists publicly usable programs programs #help Propcp copy properties from one object to another propcp #help Propmv move properties from one object to another propmv #help Pupcheck detects any puppets in area pupcheck #help Pwho allows you to maintain a personal "WHO" listing pwho #help Ride for riding other characters to other rooms ride #help Roll to "roll dice" for online gaming look roll Run moves between several rooms quickly look run Say say something sayhelp Show display properties/messages on an object show @help Smell smell something or someone smell #help Spoof anonymous messages for special effects spoof #help Sweep send sleeping characters home sweep #help Taxi take the taxi to various locations (none) Think send customized messages to players in same room think Throw throw something to someone throw #help Tport Teleport to various destinations or set your own tport Watchfor notifies you when a player logs on/off watchfor #help Whatis special information utility whatis #help WhenGraph Displays connection information for the muck. wg #help WhereAre See players located in certain popular rooms wa #help Whereis shows locations of players specified whereis #help Whisper send messages to players in same room whisper #help Who show awake and sleeping players in the same room (none) Whodo "WHO" listing with "doing" entries wd #help Whospe shows the species and gender of players in room ws #help Wizzes shows Wizards online (none)
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Date: Feb. 20, 2012